‘What is it you do again?’
The most common question I get is ‘what is Kinesiology?’. It’s a fair one - I hadn’t heard of it until my twenties.
Before that, I had never sought the help of a holistic service. While I’m from a family of good food lovers, we leaned solely on the current medical system for wellbeing and health support.
It was only when I moved to Madrid after graduating as a teacher that I started to get interested in alternative ways to care for myself. At the time I was feeling down about my acne and poor digestion, frustrated with continually taking antibiotics without much improvement. Alice, a dear friend of mine and fellow practitioner (@alice_kineisology) suggested I book a session with her mum.
A few years on now, I want to share with you a little about what Kinesiology is and how I use it to help people feel better.
My first Kinesiology book - I devoured this over lockdown before signing up for the entry Balanced Health course.
“Kinesiology is based on the fact that the body language never lies.”
Muscle testing reveals even the most minor imbalances within the body, which if left unresolved, can accumulate causing health problems down the line. Kinesiologists can tune into these imbalances and help facilitate the healing process.
So what does this actually look like in a session?
We begin by testing different muscles of the arm, legs, back etc to assess which are ‘switched off’ or not engaging fully. I’ll ask you to gently resist the pressure I put on your muscle. My video visual here!
Why do you test muscles?
Each muscle is connected to a particular vertebrae of the spine, which also feeds an organ system. We use these muscle tests to pin-point imbalances in the various organ meridians.
A note to active readers: If you’re struggling with a chronically weak muscle, it’s important to investigate the health of the organ system connected with it.
Here are some examples:
Pectoralis Major Sternal, Rhomboids
Latissimus Dorsii, Pectoralis Major and Minor, Levator Scapulae, Neck Muscles
Hamstrings, Fascia Lata, Quadratus Lumborum
A kinesiology session can be tremendously helpful for those that come with ‘mysterious’ skin issues, sudden digestive problems, or blood results that show up ‘fine’ even when you feel something is off. We can see which organ systems are out of balance, and how this might be showing up as physical or mental symptoms.
How is this different to any other holistic therapy?
Before we begin each session, it’s important for me to understand how long you’ve been experiencing the symptoms, any major life events or changes you’ve gone through, what you typically eat, what your work/life-schedule is like, and how your emotional health has been recently.
This helps us to connect the dots once we’ve carried out the muscle testing, and know what your body wants us to prioritise to bring you back into balance.
This may look like lymphatic massage to energetically flush and boost the organ systems, acupressure work, food testing, emotional release and/or subconscious reprogramming.
As you can imagine, every session is different for each client. The body leads the way in highlighting the imbalances and shows me where to begin.
Some of the symptoms in my practice that have been addressed:
digestive problems (bloating, burning, cramping, constipation, diarrhoea, food sensitivities)
low energy, exhaustion
poor sleep quality
anxiety, depression, low mood
eczema, acne, skin issues
hair loss, brittle nails
back pain, joint pain
A session is also a great way to give yourself a regular boost to maintain great health.